CYC Marketplace

Do you have a resource that you would like to sell on this site?

CYC Assets is offering you the opportunity to share your creativity and produce income.

We welcome submissions to evaluate the suitability of the resource for this marketplace.

Fees for Listings

CYC Assets does not receive a percentage of each item sold. Rather, each item that is offered for sale on this site pays a “yearly listing fee subscription” of $40.00 You may sell any number of your items, without paying a percentage fee per item sold.

If you have multiple copies of a resource you have authored – one yearly fee – sell as many as you want for the basic $40. fee.

If you have multiple used books – one yearly fee  for your “used books” category

Any items you sell, you keep your full selling fee. This site will redirect the seller to your pay pal page for payment. You will ship to the seller or give them access to your download.

Please click on the link below. Once your item has been approved and your subscription activated your product will then be added to the site, (usually 3-5 business days).

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you!

Marketplace Submission Form